Testimonianze dei nostri studenti |
Live-English Testimonials and Reviews

Testimonianze dei nostri studenti di inglese

Intervista in primo piano

Marc, student at recently took part in the English Writing Workshop. He’s sharing his experience with us.

Migliaia di professionisti sono riusciti a migliorare il loro inglese con i nostri percorsi d'inglese.

Date un’occhiata ad alcune delle loro testimonianze. 

"Thanks to and all the conversations I've had, I'm not afraid to speak anymore"

Patricia (Francia)

"I'm really enjoying my English lessons. I use my English for work every day and I'm comfortable using it!"

Federica (Italia)

"After 30 English lessons, I have make a lot of progress (...) I don't have problems making work phone calls in English anymore"

Stanislas (Svizzera)

"I wanted private lessons to focus on improving my English speaking skills"

Simone (Italia)

"I really recommend! The teachers are friendly yet professional"

Maria (Italia)