Moving to London and Britain |

London is an incredible place to live and work. It is a fast-paced, modern and culturally diverse city with a very convenient public transport system. Most people moving to London are looking to study or work so here is some basic information about what to expect if you move to London.

Working in London

If you have a British or EU passport then moving to London and work there is much easier. If you don’t, you’ll have to apply for a working visa. Good qualifications help to get a good job in London in finance and high tech for example, but you can also find work easily for low-paid jobs, such as au pair work, working in a pub or a bakery, etc.

Finding a job in London

To find a job in London, you will need a brilliant CV for starters. But on top of that, you will also need to do some walking, a big resume mail out or to visit a lot of forums in order to get your information out there. Remember, it is a game of numbers, so select the type of company you want to work for and hit as many of those companies as possible.

Studying in London

If you plan to study in London, you will probably have a support network with your institution so don’t be afraid to contact them for assistance. Keep in mind that you will face culture shock and homesickness in the first few months and that is normal so just be prepared for it and make sure that you have someone to turn to when it happens.

Moving to London

It is important to get a National Insurance Number as soon as possible when arriving in the UK. With that number, it is far easier to use the free hospital services. Working in the UK, you will be paying National Insurance (which pays for the National Health Service (NHS) and the state pension) in addition to the normal taxes.

While planning on moving to London, it is highly recommended to make sure your British English conversation skills are up to date. Contact us and learn English with a British teacher.

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