Is Learning English Online For Me? |

Some years back the idea of learning anything out of a formal classroom situation would have been unthinkable. However, with the invention of the internet, Skype, WhatsApp, and various smartphones applications (Apps) the world is at our fingertips, and learning English online is easier than ever.

The internet has brought the world into nearly everyone’s home, we can research, read books & articles, shop, watch movies or listen to music on line. So why not learn online?
Nowadays online courses are available in nearly every subject under the sun, at all levels, they are suitable for nearly everyone.

Therefore learning online is no longer considered unusual.
Learning English online with an experienced professional teacher is not only convenient, but fun!

There are many advantages to learning English online

  • No traveling to and from lessons you can have them anywhere there is WIFI.
  • Skype works as well on a cellphone as a computer so you are not committed to being in any one place.
  • The lessons are one on one, therefore they can be tailored to your precise needs.
  • The lessons can be scheduled any time from 05.00 to 23.30 Paris time, to suit your personal time table.
  • You can learn with native speaking teachers from USA, UK, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, Canada, & South Africa to attune your ears to all types of accents.
  • Lessons are always centered on the individual students’ business, travel or personal needs.

Trial Lessons

With, you have the opportunity to take a free English evaluation where the teacher will find out about your learning needs, learning background & assess your level. You will have a chance to find out about all our types of lesson and also discuss the best way forward for you.

Resources and Guidance

When learning online, there is a whole range of resources to back up your lessons. Your teacher can share new vocabulary or grammar points on the Skype chat window.
At, students can choose from carefully selected articles that are easily accessed on our blog, the articles which cover a variety of subjects are graded according to level, some have audio and video links to increase a student’s listening comprehension.

Learn English Online without Fear

When learning a language people often have a passive vocabulary but are reluctant to use it, they are frightened or self-conscious, they have very high expectations of themselves , so you are not alone if you feel this way it is a perfectly normal reaction .
Online English lessons will give you an opportunity to turn your passive vocabulary into an active one in a safe environment.
However, if you chose to learn English online, the lessons offer you a safe place to speak, you can practice talking online with ease with only your teacher listening, thus building up your skills base, fluency and accuracy without fear or embarrassment and you can do this all at your own pace.

The relationship between online teachers and their student is quite special therefore this helps the student feel at ease.
Learning English online is the way forward to increase your language skills your fluency & accuracy but most importantly boost your confidence so that feel at ease when communicating in English.

Many students are amazed at the speed that they acquire vocabulary and how quickly their accuracy and fluency improves when they take lessons online.

Good Luck!

Vocabulary & Expressions

At our fingertips idiom – readily available, accessible.
Resources noun – materials & other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organisation in order to function effectively.
Self-conscious adjective – nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think about you.
Unthinkable adjective – a situation or event too unlikely to be considered a possibility.

Contributor: Teacher Rachelle

Rachelle has been an online English teacher at since 2009. She is from the UK. She is a professionally qualified as an English teacher, coach and manager with over 25 years experience. She has a background in health & social care, business & education. She also holds degree in Management, specializing in HR.

Rachelle loves teaching online, especially preparing students for Job Interviews, Cambridge Exams, and Business presentations. Her hobbies include healthy cooking, creative writing, country life , travel, reading, history, and being a grandmother!

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