'GIVE' Phrasal Verbs | Live-English.net

A Video Summary About ‘Give’ Phrasal Verbs in English
A few explanations about ‘Give’ Phrasal Verbs
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3

A Video Summary About ‘Give’ Phrasal Verbs in English

A few explanations about ‘Give’ Phrasal Verbs

Give in
  • To be persuaded to do something, after spending a long time arguing about it with someone else.
  • To accept you have been defeated
Give out
  • To give something to a lot of people
  • to speak in an angry way
Give up

Give + reflexive pronoun + up

  • stop doing something or surrender
  • surrender to the police
Give away
  • distribute something for free
Give back
  • return something you borrowed
Give off
  • To give an impression based on quality, such as appearance or behaviour
  • emit something like a smell or a sound
Give over
  • stop doing something annoying
Give up on
  • stop having faith or belief in someone or something
Give way
  • to collapse or break
  • allow someone or something to be or go first
Give in to
  • To allow oneself to do something they want to do but haven’t done in a long time, to yield

Exercises About ‘Give’ Phrasal Verbs

Exercise 1: Match the meaning to the phrasal verbs below. Remember some phrasal verbs have more than one meaning

1. To be persuaded to do something, after spending a long time arguing about it with someone else.
2. To accept you have been defeated
3. To give something to a lot of people
4. to speak in an angry way
5. stop doing something or surrender
6. surrender to the police
7. distribute something for free
8. to collapse or break
9. allow someone or something to be or go first
10. To give an impression based on quality, such as appearance or behaviour
11. emit something like a smell or a sound
12. return something you borrowed
13. To allow oneself to do something they want to do but haven’t done in a long time, to yield
14. stop having faith or belief in someone or something
15. stop doing something annoying

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Exercise 2: Complete the following sentences with the correct phrasal verb. You will need to conjugate the verb to the correct tense

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Exercise 3: Decide if these sentences are CORRECT or INCORRECT

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