Causative Verbs: Let, Make, Have, and Get Examples and Exercises |

For ESL Students, LET, MAKE, HAVE and GET can be confusing. They are called CAUSATIVE VERBS. Check out how to use them properly in any circumstances and practice with some exercises!

A Video Summary About Let / Make / Have / Get in English
A few explanations about Let / Make / Have / Get
Causative Verbs Exercise 1
Causative Verbs Exercise 2
Causative Verbs Exercise 3


A Video Summary About Causative Verbs (Let / Make / Have / Get)

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What do the verbs LET, MAKE, HAVE and GET have in common?

LET, MAKE, HAVE and GET are CAUSATIVE VERBS. This means they cause something else to happen. Look at the table below to understand their meanings:

LETLet + person + verbTo give permission/ to allow
MAKEMake + person + verbTo force
HAVEHave + person + verbTo give someone the responsibility or duty to do something
GETGet + person + to + verbTo convince someone to do something


For this to work, we need to pair the causative verb with another verb (as seen in the construction above)

LETMy teacher let me leaveMy teacher gave me permission to leave.
MAKEMy teacher made me explainMy teacher forced me to explain
HAVEMy teacher had me readMy teacher gave me the duty of reading
GETMy teacher got me to show my paintingMy teacher convinced me to show my painting

Exercises about Causative Verbs Let / Make / Have / Get

Exercise 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs LET/MAKE/HAVE/GET in the present tense. Remember to conjugate the verb to the correct person

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Exercise 2 Choose the correct verb to fit into the spaces below

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Exercise 3 In each sentence there is a verb that doesn’t make sense. Rewrite each with the appropriate verb; let/make/have/get, to give the correct meaning

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