The Imperative |

Giving orders or instructions in English can be done using the imperative. Let’s see how to use it.

A Video Summary About the Imperative in English
A few explanations about the Imperative
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3


A Video Summary About the Imperative in English

A few explanations about the Imperative

What is the imperative?

This verb form is considered the simplest form, often referred to as the BARE INFINITIVE.
The imperative is only used with the subjects you (singular) and you (plural). However, the subject is never included in the sentence it is just implied through context.
For example,
– Parents talking to their son – Go to bed ( you – singular)
– Teacher talking to a class of 30 students – Please open your books at page 9 (you-plural)

To make the imperative negative we use DON’T – Don’t go outside, it’s cold.

What is the imperative used for?

The imperative form of a verb is used to give orders and instructions, as well as make suggestions. For example, close the door.
Making the imperative sound more polite
The imperative can sound quite direct, so it is important to add something to make it sound more polite.
Add ‘please’ – Please close the door
Add ‘do’ – Do close the door
Use ‘why don’t we’ – why don’t we close the door
Use ‘if you don’t mind’ – close the door if you don’t mind

Exercises About The Imperative

Exercise 1: Make these orders sound a bit more polite using the words given in the brackets

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Exercise 2: Complete the commands with the correct verb in the imperative. To help you we have given you the first letter

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Exercise 3: Complete the recommendations by choosing an appropriate verb in the imperative form. You may need to use negative imperative forms

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