Numbers are everywhere! Almost all aspects of our lives involve numbers, from our address to our age. At work we use them to talk about important facts and figures, in the supermarket we use them to discuss prices, and even at the dentist we use them to confirm our next appointment!
A Video Summary About Numbers
A Few Explanations About Numbers
Exercises about Numbers in English
A Video Summary About Numbers in English
Confused with Numbers in English?

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A Few Explanations About Numbers in English
Know your Numbers in English
Numbers are everywhere! Almost all aspects of our lives involve numbers, from our address to our age. At work we use them to talk about important facts and figures, in the supermarket we use them to discuss prices, and even at the dentist we use them to confirm our next appointment!
The main two types of numbers are:
1. CARDINAL numbers – these are the most common numbers, and we use these to talk about age, amounts etc. For example, 1, 5, 8, 450.
2. ORDINAL numbers – these are used when we order things or talk about dates. For example, 10th, 31st.
Telling the time in English
Another key use of numbers is when we tell the time. Here it is important to be careful with the difference between American and British English.
For example: 09:15
In American English – A quarter AFTER nine
In British English – A quarter PAST nine
For example: 07:45
In American English – A quarter BEFORE eight
In British English – A quarter TO eight
Also remember that we have specific words for 00:00 midnight and 12:00 midday, and noon.
Dates in English
Dates can also have various forms depending on which side of the Atlantic you are. In the USA the date is written as – month/day/year, whereas in the UK the date is written as day/month/year.
For example: 13th of May 2022
USA – 05/13/2022
UK – 13/05/2022
Exercises About Numbers in English
Exercise 1: How would you say the following dates?
Exercise 2: Match the number with its written form
Exercise 3: Write the following times using the word provided in brackets
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