Quantifiers | Live-English.net

A Video Summary About The Quantifiers

What are Quantifiers

A quantifier is a word that usually goes before a noun to
express the quantity of the object

Quantifiers are really important in helping us define and ask
about amounts.
We use quantifiers when we want to give someone information
about the number of something:
We can use quantifiers when talking about countable or
uncountable nouns

Choosing the right quantifier

One, each, every, few, and many are examples of
countable noun quantifiers.

A little, much, and a great deal of quantifiers to use
with uncountable nouns.

Most, plenty of, all, any, and some can be used
with both countable and uncountable nouns.

1. Quantifiers for countable nouns

● Jack mentioned few things during the discussion.
● I bought many commodities from the fair.
A number of people supported Jim in the meeting.
● Rick asked several questions.
● We visited many places during the vacation.
● I liked a number of books in the book fair
One of the shops on the high street is closing

2. Quantifiers for uncountable nouns

● Alice had a little juice and nothing else.
● We have much time to complete the project.
● David has a great deal of experience in sales
● Dana is a bit anxious.
● Alana was a little worried.
● This film was much awaited.
● Wait a bit! I am coming.

3. Quantifiers for both types of nouns

● There was plenty of people in the gallery.
Some people were shouting outside
● We have most of the day free to explore this town
● Bill has plenty experience of editing.
All the people were so excited.
● You can take any of the gifts in your car?
Most of our sales staff work full time but some work
part time

Exercises about the Quantifiers

Exercise 1: Selecting the correct quantifier
Exercise 2: Completing the sentence with the correct quantifier
Exercise 3: Rewriting and error correction