30 Useful Sentences for a Presentation in English | Live-English.net
Presentation in English

Following our successful post about 30 Useful Sentences for a Job Interview in English, we’re now reviewing the vocabulary and expressions you need if you’re giving a presentation in English.

If talking in front of a crowd, big or small, can be nerve-racking, having some useful sentences up your sleeves will help you stay focused.

It doesn’t matter if the presentation is on Zoom or in front of a live audience, preparing yourself for it is crucial.

So let’s get started!


Starting the presentation in English and welcoming the crowd

There are different ways to start a presentation in English. These sentences are very classic ways to welcome your audience.

1. Good morning/afternoon/evening

2. Welcome to [name of company/presentation/place]

3. What I’m going to talk about today is …

4. Today I’m going to discuss…

5. The topic of my presentation today is …

6. The aim of this presentation is…

7. My presentation today is about…

8. Today I’d like to talk about…

Presentation Express

Introducing yourself in a presentation in English

You want to take advantage of your presentation in English to tell the audience about who you are and what you do.

9. My name is [name] and I am from [company], where I’m responsible for …

10. I’m [name]. I’m a [job position] at [company].

11. Let me introduce myself; I’m [name] and I work at [company], where I work in [name of the department].


Presenting the topic

Now we are getting to the real start of the presentation. You want to be clear on what you’re going to present and the goal of your presentation.

12. Today, I’ll be talking about/discussing [topic]

13. I’m here to illustrate how…

14. What I’m going to be talking about today is…

15. The purpose of today’s presentation is…

16. My objective is to…

17. In today’s presentation, I’d like to talk to you about/show you/demonstrate…


Outlining the content of the presentation

It is important to clarify the different steps you’re going to follow in your presentation.

18. In today’s presentation I’m going to cover [three] points:

19. Firstly, I’ll be looking at…

20. Secondly, we’ll consider…

21. Then, I’ll explain how…

22. And finally, I’ll demonstrate how …

23. My talk will be in [two, three, four] parts: First,…after that,… then,… finally,…

24. Firstly,… Secondly,… Thirdly,… Finally,…

25. I’ll begin by looking at… Then, I’ll move on to…Towards the end I …


Introducing the first point

Signposting is very important to make sure your audience understands the logic of your presentation in English and follows the different steps you draw.

26. So let’s start, shall we?

27. To begin with, …

28. To start with, …

29. First of all, I’ll …

30. Let’s start by [+ verb in -ing form] …


To go further with your presentation in English

There are many more expressions you need for a presentation in English:
– explaining graphs, images, or data.
– Concluding a point
– Moving on to the next point
– Focusing your audience’s attention
– Referring backward/forwards
– Concluding and summarising the presentation
– Inviting questions
– Dealing with questions

This is outside of our current scope for this blog post but definitely something to keep in mind for a successful work presentation in English.

You are not alone to prepare for your presentation in English

Do you need help with a presentation in English? We have a few options for you.

If you have to give a presentation in English in the coming days or weeks, rehearse with a private English teacher. They will help you fine-tune your presentation, your slides, the way you introduce the topic, and help you deal with things you can’t really prepare like questions from the audience. This is part of our Premium Courses.

If you don’t have a specific presentation to give but would like to get the skills and practice to be a better communicator, check out our Presenting in English workshop.