CAE Writing Section -

The CAE writing section tests your ability to write English in a clear and concise manner. You have to write with proper grammar and spelling. There are two parts of the test. The test lasts one hour and a half.

CAE Writing Section: Part One

Part one of the test is a compulsory question, that is you have to answer it. It consists of a reading section of up to 150 words. The subject may be material from a letter, and advertisement, email, a diary entry, or a short article. You have to prepare an article, a proposal, a letter or a report using the information from the reading material. The best way to practice for this part is to read short articles, and write about it. This is best done under the supervision of an experienced teacher.

CAE Writing Section: Part Two

Part two consists of 5 questions, of which you have to answer one. Questions 1-4 have short reading texts of about 80 words that describe a situation. You need to use the information to write one of the following types of writing samples: a report, an article, an information sheet, a proposal or a review. There are two set texts in this part for question 5, for 2012-2013 they are: The Lighthouse by P.D. James and Lord of the Flies by William Golding. You will have to write a report, a review or an article about one of these books. You will not be allowed to bring the books into the exam room, so if you want to do question 5 you need to know the texts very well. I suggest to buy paper copies of the books and really study them with a teacher so that you will feel confident to write about them.

How to pass the CAE Writing Section?CAE Exam Preparation Course from, this is one of the best ways to prepare for the test.

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