Improve your English spelling |

In this day and age, the skill of spelling seems to be becoming less important with the invention of spell-checkers on word processors. But if English is your second language, it helps to have a good idea of which word you are trying to spell.

The thing with languages is that they continue to develop; especially with a language that has as long a history as English does. English is very much a borrowing language, taking words from other languages and making them its own. Look at the French influence in the word questionnaire – the double n and the silent e. If you borrow words from other languages, the rules of spelling will be different and English has borrowed from many languages.

And then there’s the fact that new words are added every day. New things are being invented and given names that don’t follow the rules of spelling such as iPad and iPod. That’s why the spelling of English can be difficult even for native speakers.

So, what’s the best way to improve your English spelling?

If you want to improve your spelling, follow our tips and make your learning fun.

1. Learn the rules

Although it may look different, English spelling follows rules. So, make things as simple as possible. Start with learning basic spelling rules, but also pay attention to exceptions and practice as you go. This is systematic approach, it’s really effective and it helps you gain confidence.

2. Read a lot

You can easily improve your English spelling by reading without even realizing that you are working on your spelling. Reading is fun, an opportunity to learn new vocabulary, practice pronunciation but also, seeing words on the page helps you to visualize that word when you need to spell it. If you have only ever heard the word, it is much harder to spell it.

3. Write

Writing can be powerful spelling practice. When you write, you directly apply everything you have learned so far but it also identifies weaknesses which is a great opportunity for improvement. You can practice writing with our English writing course. It is also a chance to receive feedback from a teacher and correct your mistakes.

4. Keep a list of misspelled and hard to spell words

Some English words are hard to spell even for native speakers. If you notice that there are words you can’t spell correctly, create a list of these words (like perseverance, hypocrisy or miscellaneous). Don’t worry, most of them are not the ones you will need to use often, but it’s still a good exercise to learn the correct spelling.

5. Use mnemonicss

A mnemonic is a saying that helps you to remember how to spell a word. They are a fun way to remember tricky spelling by associating a word with an image, phrase or rhyme, like this one –
Slaughter is just laughter with an s.

6. Use acronyms

To make an acronym, make a saying using each letter of the word. Creating acronyms for specific groups of words or spelling patterns can make the learning process more engaging and memorable.
2 famous examples:
BECAUSE- Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants.
FAMILY: Father And Mother I Love You

Take your English one step forward

English spelling is one piece of English learning puzzle. If you want to continue with your English journey, try a free trial English lesson with one of our native English tutors and take your English to the next level. Join us today!

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