Are you tired of using the same old expressions in emails and meetings?
When you are learning any foreign language, you have to work on vocabulary every day. In this way, each new word that you learn becomes yours. On average, you need to use a word seven times so it will move from short-term memory into long-term memory.
Learn new English words through a text or an article
There are many ways to learn new words and increase your English vocabulary. The first one is to read a variety of resources in English like novels, short stories, or articles. The level should be just a little stretch from your current level. If you take a text that is much too hard for you, it will be discouraging because there will be too many new words, and it will take too much effort to understand it. Ideally, you want to add 5 to 10 new words at a time.
Listen to English songs
The second way to upgrade your English vocabulary is to listen to the news or other recordings that you like. Some people learn English from songs they like. Get the lyrics to the songs, and listen to the song while reading along at the same time. If there are words you don’t know then use the flashcard method to learn them. Then use the word in a sentence and while speaking.
Record the English vocabulary you’ve learnt and write!
Make flashcards with these new words and write them in a sentence so that they become part of your active vocabulary. Once you have learned new English words, use them! As soon as you have an opportunity, make sure to include them in a conversation in English with a friend or an English teacher. Another way to apply what you’ve learned is to use them in writing. Use this new vocabulary when you write an email, a diary, or a blog.
Look for synonyms
The English language is very rich and you have dozens of ways to say the same things. By consciously using different words, you’re expanding your abilities to speak in a more elegant way. For example, we can all use the word “great”. This is a very common word. What if you replace great with some of its synonyms? For example: excellent, impressive, outstanding, exceptional, wonderful. With this simple tweak, your English is at a much higher level.
Expanding your English vocabulary needs practice. Regular English lessons with Live-English.net will provide you with a stimulating environment to feel more comfortable with your English. Sign up for a free English trial lesson and see how you can improve your English vocabulary and your overall English level.