CAE Use of English section |

The English in use section is used to test your overall comprehension of English. The test is not easy and requires you to use all of your reading and writing skills in order to pass the test.

Like the other parts of the CAE test, it has five parts.

CAE Use of English section: Part One

This is a cloze type test, where the words that are missing in the paragraph are given to you. They may be close in meaning, such as choosing between the word illness, sickness or condition. The key is understanding what the paragraph is about and picking the best answer. If the reading is about Phobias, then you don’t want to choose illness or sickness, but choose condition, because it is not a physical illness but at psychological one.

CAE Use of English section: Part Two

This is also a cloze type exercise, but here the words to choose are not given. Here the choice is up to you to write the correct word. This can be more difficult for some test takers. To practice for this part of the test, read a lot of short, non-fiction articles and have someone block out certain words from the text. This is best done with a teacher who is experienced in coaching for this exam.

CAE Use of English section: Part Three

This part tests your grammar skills. The reading passage has a word in capitals that is in on the side, you have to change it into the correct form for the sentence to make sense. To practice for this part of the test, you need knowall of the English tenses, verbs, adjectives and adverbs and how to change a word into each part of speech.

CAE Use of English section: Part Four

Part Four tests your vocabulary. There are many words in English that have different meanings based on the context. This part tests that you have a wide vocabulary of the English language. In order to do well in this part of the test, you need to look up a list of homophones, that is words that have the same spelling but different meanings. Memorize this list of words.

CAE Use of English section: Part Five

Part Five tests your ability to use a given word and keep the same meaning as an example sentence. Your answers can be more flexible than in the other sections, check your spelling, and make sure that what you write has the same meaning.

Good luck on the CAE and the best way to prepare for this test is to take lessons from an experienced teacher at If you take English lessons by Skype twice a week for 4-6 months, depending upon your English level you will pass the test. It depends upon you and your hard work.

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