IELTS is one, if not the most, important test done in order to test the skills a student has in English language. It’s actually required by many institutions and companies over the U.S to start working or taking classes with them.
Most foreign people looking forward to have a job in the U.S or studying over there are currently studying English in order to pass this test because it’s required in most places.
Our IELTS preparation course online will help cover everything you need to pass your exam. Today we’re going to tell you some of the most interesting facts and clarify some myths regarding IELTS.
Native Speakers and Non-Native Speakers Have the Same Chance of Achieving IELTS Band 9
There’s a common belief within students and teachers, saying that to achieve Band 9 (the highest score in IELTS) you must be a native English speaker. This is nothing more than a myth. Actually, in some cases native speakers score less than non-native speakers. It all depends on your effort and how much dedication you put to the task of achieving a high score.
There’s No Way to Cheat on the IELTS test
There’s no way someone can cheat on the IELTS test. How is this possible? Well, easy. The questions you’ll see on your test day aren’t published anywhere else. Bringing copies of past tests is obviously not allowed, but it wouldn’t be of much help.
Lastly, if you were to cheat on the IELTS test, you’d be able to cheat on the written part of the test only, leaving the other 3 skills evaluated out of the picture.
People usually fail by thinking the IELTS is going to be like other English tests, ignoring that redaction skills, speaking and listening skills are of critical importance when taking the test. How can someone actually copy an entire essay when they don’t even know the topic it’s going to be about until the very last minute? Good luck with that!
Asking Your Examiner to Repeat the Question in the Speaking Part Won’t Affect your IELTS Score
Many people believe asking the examiner to repeat one more time what they said is going to reduce their score in the test. This is a complete mistake because of this reason: the speaking part of the test does not test listening, it only tests your speaking skills. Surely, understanding the question is very important in order to give a proper answer, but asking the examiner to repeat it because you didn’t understand it at first is not going to affect your score in the speaking part.
That’s also the reason why the accent used in the audio tapes played during the listening part are recorded in a very standard English.
Using Difficult / Complex Words in the Writing Part Assures a Better IELTS Score
Being able to write like a professional and displaying your knowledge of English vocabulary are both very important parts of achieving a great score in the written part of the test. Nevertheless, if you use many “complex” words that you’ve learned only for this purpose, it’s going to sound very unnatural for the examiner once he’s reading your test.
Sometimes, some words are used for very specific situations and even though they have the meaning you’re looking forward to give to them, in that context, is not natural or incorrect. This will affect your cohesion and coherence, and of course, your final score.
To pass the IELTS exam, you need to work on broad English skills, it doesn’t have to be specifically for the IELTS test. If you’re used to writing error-free reports, essays or articles, and answer questions while having conversations with English speakers you’re most likely to do well.
However, it helps to be accustomed with the kind of exercises that you will have to go through.
To leave no doubts and be completely sure your performance will be good on the test, take an IELTS training online with one of our native tutors! Everything is done via Skype so you won’t have to leave the comfort of your house. You’ll receive some tips and recommendations in order to achieve that band 9 score you’re looking for!