Getting it right at the second job interview |
Getting it right at the second job interview

Congratulations! Your resume in English made an impression and you got the call to go in for a first job interview. All went very well and now you have been called back for a second interview.

It is important not to get too cocky just yet. A call-back for a second job interview does not mean that you have the job and it does not mean that the second interview will be a breeze.

It does mean that they have narrowed the pool of candidates and instead of competing with hundreds of resumes or tens of first-interview candidates, you are now just competing with the few best candidates. The competition just got tougher.

Second job interview: taking it to the next level

Second job interviews are usually not just with the person who will be your immediate supervisor. They are usually with the directors or other decision-makers superior to your potential supervisor. This means that the questions just got harder. You need to prepare for the second even more diligently than the first. If you researched the company for the first interview, you should know even more about the second. You should also ask if this interview or part of it will be held in English.

One extra step that you can do to help you to prepare for the second interview is to mentally review the first one. If there were any questions that you feel you did not answer well, prepare to answer them better this time. If there were any aspects of the job that you were not clear on, prepare some follow-up questions.

Job interview Express

Job Interview Express

Do you have a job interview in English in the coming days? We have the solution for you!
Take an intensive job interview preparation course of 5 PRO sessions (2.5 hours) before your job interview. If you feel a bit rusty, this will give you the confidence you need to succeed and get your dream job!

Job Interview in English Express Preparation

It’s best to contact us before you register so that we can check availability.

If you have more time to get ready, check out our regular English courses.

Questions to ask at the second job interview

Now is the time to start asking the questions that you held back on the first time. Remember, you are seriously being considered for this position so start asking questions about the benefits, the work environment, and what your daily tasks would be like if you held back from asking in the first interview.
You can also ask about the recruitment process to see how many more interviews you should expect (if any).

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