One of the targets many people aim for when learning English is to gather the abilities required in order to give a complete presentation in English. This is usually where students feel a lot of pressure, they need to use the new language properly and also organize and remember the ideas they want to convey usually during a pre-established tight period of time.
Today we are going to give you some useful tips for you to start a presentation in English the best way possible.
Get people’s attention when presenting in English
In any business English presentation, you have to capture the audience’s attention from the very first moment. You can do this with your first line, but there are other ways just before you say the first line that can help you become the center of attraction in the room.
Here’s where you can be as creative as possible. These are some original ways to let your imagination fly and start your presentation in English:
- Start with a video
Videos are a very powerful resource to call people’s attention. Try to find something interesting related to the topic your presentation is about and cause some impact from the very first moment. - Use a quote
You can quote someone recognized or famous who’s referring to the topic you’ll talk about. Talk a little bit about it or ask for people’s opinion. - Tell a story
This is very basic, just tell a short story in order to connect with the audience and why they should listen to what you are saying.
Memorize the first line of your presentation in English
It can be intimidating to give a presentation in English. Trying to memorize your whole presentation as written can make your speech clumsy and unnatural. Nevertheless, remembering the first line you’ll tell the audience is a great step for a strong start. Prepare a short and concise line, maybe introducing yourself (only if they don’t know you), greeting the audience or maybe with a question about the topic you are going to talk about.
Before your presentation, write different ways to tell that first line and read them aloud. Choose the 0ne you think is the best one, or maybe ask someone for a second opinion.
Convey ideas from the audience
This is a great opportunity to find your comfort zone within your audience. Don’t use too many questions, but four or five questions you ask the audience in a 6-8 minute presentation can give you a small break to organize your ideas. It can also help you remember something you’ve forgotten, or even help you control the pace.
You don’t have a clear idea about how to start your presentation in English? Well, do it with a question! Or even a joke!
Prepare yourself for your presentation in English
Don’t memorize your whole speech! Don’t even try. It’s way better if you highlight the most important parts of your presentation and write different ways to express the same idea. This won’t only help you seal the idea in your mind but also give you different ways to communicate it to the audience.
It’s important that you state the purpose of your presentation from the very beginning. You can gather around that point but don’t let yourself or the audience deviate too far from the main point.
As part of our online Business English course, you can get ready for your presentation efficiently. Send your slides to your teacher and rehearse intensively for a couple of weeks before the presentation. You will have no fear on D-day, you’ll know the material, you won’t be scared to answer questions and you’ll be much more comfortable.
Key Vocabulary for a Presentation in English
Visual Aids
Visual aids such as charts, graphs, and images can enhance communication and understanding by providing a visual representation of information.
A whiteboard is a surface, which can be written on with dry-erase markers and easily erased, making it a useful tool for presentations, teaching, and brainstorming.
Data Projector
A data projector, also known as a multimedia projector or digital projector, is an electronic device that can display digital images, videos, and other visual content onto a projection screen or surface using a light source and lenses to magnify and project the image. It is commonly used in classrooms, conference rooms, and other settings where visual presentations are required.
A handout is a printed document that is typically distributed to an audience during a presentation, lecture, or meeting. It contains information that is relevant to the topic being discussed and is designed to supplement or support the presentation by providing additional information or details. Handouts can take various forms, such as outlines, summaries, diagrams, or charts.
Body language
Effective use of body language can help the presenter establish a connection with the audience, emphasize key points, convey confidence, and maintain their interest. Therefore, paying attention to body language and using it effectively can enhance the presenter’s effectiveness and overall success in delivering their message.
To start with
To start with, I’d like to thank you all for joining me today and taking the time to learn more about our company’s new product line.
Turning now to
Turning now to the financial results for the past quarter, we can see a steady increase in revenue and a significant decrease in expenses.
For example
For example, one of our clients was able to increase its sales by 25% after implementing our marketing strategy, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.
Compared to last year
Compared to last year, our company has seen a notable increase in productivity and a significant improvement in customer satisfaction ratings.
In conclusion
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate the key points of our presentation and emphasize the importance of taking action on the insights we have shared. Thank you for your attention and I look forward to answering any questions you may have.
Finally, I would like to conclude by thanking you all for your participation and attention throughout this presentation. I hope that the information we have shared has been valuable and informative and that it will help you make better decisions in the future. If you have any further questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you again, and have a great day.
Presentations in English require technique and rehearsal. If you’d like to get more confident before a presentation in English, check out the date of our next Public Speaking and Presentation Workshop.