Getting a job in Canada |

Like most countries, Canada has a policy of welcoming immigrants who have skill-sets that are needed in Canada. It may be a bit of a challenge to find the right job and whenever you are looking at working outside your own country, you have to make sure that your expectations are not too high.

Not as taxing

Keep in mind that Canada has a lower income tax than a lot of other western countries so it is important to look at what your income will be after tax.

Living cheaper in Canada

To get a good idea of how much things cost, take a look at one of the online supermarkets and you will see that compared to Europe (not US), food is generally cheaper, housing is considerably cheaper in a lot of cases, petrol and cars are cheaper and power is cheaper although look at how much you will be spending on heat. All of this means that you will be able to make less and still maintain the same standard of living that you have in your own country.

Getting a job in Canada

If you are looking to migrate, start checking the job boards online to get a good idea of what kinds of jobs are going before you commit to the move. You can start applying for jobs a couple of months out but if you do so any sooner than that, don’t be discouraged if you get no replies.

Make sure that when you start to apply for jobs, your resident visa is in process and that you have been deemed eligible to apply. This will mean that potential employers know that they will not be disappointed by last minute upsets. Getting a job in Canada can be a slow process so leave enough time to get things done.

Adapting to change

As with any change, it is important to keep your mind open to different ways of doing things and different ways of behaving. Make sure that you do not go there expecting things to be as they are in your home country in order to make the transition more comfortable.

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