Do you get tongue tied when you have to ask a question in English? Do you worry about the order of words and how to structure the question? Do you feel under confident when asking questions in English? What kind
Is Learning English Online For Me?
Some years back the idea of learning anything out of a formal classroom situation would have been unthinkable. However, with the invention of the internet, Skype, WhatsApp, and various smartphones applications (Apps) the world is at our fingertips, and learning
Taking English Conversation Courses to the Next Level
For most people it has been a long time since they’ve had the opportunity to take language courses in school. It can often be difficult to remember the words you want to say and for many it’s easier just to Now Accepts Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrency Payments!
Cryptocurrencies are here to stay. For your convenience, now accepts cryptocurrencies for any English course you may want to order. One area where cryptocurrencies are increasingly being accepted is online education. It makes sense for Live-English to adopt Bitcoin
This Is Why English Communication Skills Are So Crucial
The four English communication skills have been constantly researched by book writers and teachers all around the world. These skills have been subject of many different analyses and studies. It’s undeniable how important they are for anyone trying to learn
Meet Liz, American English teacher from Vermont
As part of our series about our online teachers, please meet Liz, from Vermont, USA. (LEN): Can you tell me about your home town? I am originally from the state of Vermont in the United States. The town where
Learning English Online: Eliminate Your Fears and Doubts
People are very sceptical about learning English online. It’s normal to have fears and doubts about non-conventional ways of learning. The main reasons why people aren’t 100% convinced about this method of learning are: They think having class sessions online
It’s like writing but fun
Here is a very easy way to make your writing immediately more interesting. In English, we start most sentences with a subject. This is usually a person or a thing. But sometimes, we want to talk about an activity. The
A great way to practice your writing in English
Most people understand that the best way to improve a skill is to practice. How to practice a skill when it comes to learning languages is not always so obvious. I would like to suggest a novel way to practice
Speak English Online and Improve your Fluency
Speak, speak and speak some more! As an English teacher with years of experience helping people to get better at English, I can say with confidence that the best way to improve your fluency is to speak, speak and speak