Th pronunciation |

A Video Summary about th pronunciation

A few explanations about th pronunciation

What is the TH sound?

TH can be confusing, one of the most frequent English pronunciation mistakes is not saying the ‘TH’ sound correctly. 

There are two TH sounds in English:

1. Voiced, as in “that”

2. Voiceless, as in “thanks”

How to make the TH sound ?

In order to create the sound, put the tip of the tongue between the top and bottom teeth to allow the air to squeeze past.

This becomes TH.

The main reason is that the ‘th’ sound is difficult for non-native speakers is because doesn’t exist in many languages, therefore many people struggle with it.

So don’t worry you are not alone!

Pronouncing TH

The ‘voiced th/ð/ and ‘voiceless th’ /θ/ sounds are the only pair of English sounds that share a single, common spelling.

The ‘th sounds’ are continuous consonants, meaning that they should be capable of being held for a few seconds with even and smooth pronunciation for the entire duration. 

Because the sounds are fricatives, the majority of the sound comes from the friction of the air traveling through a small opening in the vocal tract.

The voiced TH

Voiced TH at the beginning of the word:

than   the   the   their   them   these   this   those   themselves

Voiced TH in the middle of the word:

bathing   brother   clothing   father   feather   mother   together   weather

Voiced TH at the end of a word:

bathe   breathe   loathe   scathe   seethe   teethe

The voiceless TH

Voiceless TH at the beginning of the word:

theatre   thief   thin   think   thirsty   thorn   thousand   thunder

Voiceless TH in the middle of the word:

bathtub   healthy   marathon   python   toothache   toothbrush   truthful

Voiceless TH at the end of a word:

beneath   cloth   fifth   math   month   path   tooth

Exercises About TH pronunciation

Exercise 1: Read these TH words and decide if they are voiced or voiceless

Exercise 2: Read these TH words and decide if they are voiced or voiceless

Exercise 3:Read these TH words and decide if they are voiced or voiceless

To go further, take a look at the pronunciation of the vowels a and i and other English pronunciation topics.